
HDFC Recruiting Sales Development Manager at Jodhpur

HDFC Recruiting Sales Development Manager at Jodhpur
Keywords Sales & Business Development,Exp(1-4yrs),Insurance,Jodhpur
Designation Sales Development Managar
Job Description Responsible for building team of Insurance Consultants & acheiving sales target.
Desired Profile Identifying potential Financial Consultants (Insurance Agents) based on agreed profiles and ensure recruitment in accordance with the business plan.Initially, for the first three months to achieve targets of direct sales and recruit the minimum expected number of Financial Consultants.Identifying more Financial Consultants and to complete recruitment of the financial consultants as expected and communicated by the management, within the given time frame. To also achieve minimum expected sales target.
Experience 1 - 4 Years
Industry Type Insurance
Functional Area Sales, BD
Education UG - Any Graduate - Any Specialization
PG - Any PG Course - Any Specialization
Compensation: Benefits includes Reimbursements & Incentives.
Location Jodhpur, Kota, Udaipur,Bikaner
Keywords Sales & Business Development
Tejosh Kummar Saini
HDFC Standard Life Insurance Company Limited
Website http://www.hdfcinsurance.com